shopping that supports farmers directly

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shop Fairtrade Cotton certified products

Why Fairtrade?

Fairtrade is more than just a label. It's a movement that was created to give farmers fair pricing and premiums, so they can continue producing quality products without worrying about their costs being too high. Helping farmers in developing countries by paying them a fair price for their crops, and offering premium benefits to the consumer, is what Fairtrade does.

Takasa's products are Fairtrade Cotton certified (FLO-ID 40793) and Takasa is a member of Fairtrade Canada.

as featured in


Supporting Fairtrade

Vote with your wallet and make a difference.
What is Fairtrade?

Fairtrade is an organization that aims to promote sustainable and fair trade practices. The organization offers a certification program that ensures that farmers and workers are paid fair wages, work in safe conditions, and have access to education and healthcare. Fairtrade also promotes environmental sustainability, which means that farmers are encouraged to use less water, reduce waste, and avoid pesticide use. In short, Fairtrade allows consumers to be confident that the products they are buying are ethical and sustainable.

How does Fairtrade Certification work?

The process of getting Fairtrade certified can be long and rigorous, but is very much worth it for farmers and consumers alike. To become certified, farmers or producers must meet certain criteria, including:

Being based in a developing country
Complying with Fairtrade’s environmental standards
Paying fair wages and providing safe working conditions

Fairtrade then conducts an audit to ensure compliance and conducts regular checks to maintain the certification. 

How you can support Fairtrade?

By choosing to buy Fairtrade certified cotton textiles, you are supporting ethical and sustainable practices in the textile industry. Not only are you helping to ensure that farmers and workers are paid fair wages and have access to education and healthcare, but you are also helping to reduce environmental degradation and promote sustainability.

Takasa Fairtrade certified cotton
How does Fairtrade Certification work?
How you can support Fairtrade?

Featured fair trade cotton collections

from fair trade cotton towels, fair trade bed sheets, fair trade cotton duvet covers and more

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